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MacroProxy Website Terms of Service

This agreement is a contract between you and the MacroProxy website (, hereinafter referred to as "this website"). Please read this registration agreement carefully. Once you click "Agree," this agreement constitutes a legally binding document for both parties.

MacroProxy provides users with the products and services displayed on this website (hereinafter referred to as "MacroProxy Services" or "the Services") and will continually update the service content. The latest MacroProxy services and related products displayed on the website are subject to the actual services provided to users.

1. General

- You confirm that you have fully read, understood, and accepted all service terms before using the services. By clicking "Agree" and completing the registration process or using the services, you agree to comply with all terms of service.

- You agree that MacroProxy has the right to unilaterally modify the content of these service terms and the corresponding service rules at any time and to publish such changes via website announcements without notifying you separately. If you continue to use the services after the changes are announced, it indicates that you have fully read, understood, and accepted the revised agreement and will use the services according to the modified terms. If you disagree with the modified terms, you should immediately stop using the services.

2. Accounts

2.1 Registration

- You confirm that when you complete the registration process or otherwise use the services allowed by MacroProxy, you must be a natural person, legal entity, or other organization with full civil rights capacity and full civil conduct capacity (collectively referred to as "legal entities").

- If you are a minor or a person with limited civil conduct capacity, you and your guardian will be responsible for any consequences caused by your improper registration, and MacroProxy has the right to cancel (permanently freeze) your account and seek compensation from you and your guardian.

2.2 Account and Real-Name Authentication

- After filling in the information as prompted on the registration page, reading and agreeing to the service terms, and completing all registration procedures, or after filling in the information, reading and agreeing to the service terms, and completing all activation procedures as prompted on the activation page, or when you use other products, by actually using the services of this website in a way allowed by Easy HTTP, you are bound by these terms of service. You can use your provided or confirmed email address, mobile phone number, or other methods allowed by MacroProxy as the login method for this website.

- You understand and agree that once you complete the registration process and register successfully on this website, you will obtain an MacroProxy account.

- Currently, MacroProxy allows a single legal entity to have multiple MacroProxy accounts, but one MacroProxy account can only correspond to one legal entity. You may not transfer, gift, or allow others to inherit your MacroProxy account in any way unless required by law or a valid legal document or according to conditions published by MacroProxy. MacroProxy has the right to request you, the transferee, or your heir to provide qualified documents and comply with MacroProxy's required procedures during the transfer, gifting, or inheritance of eligible MacroProxy accounts.

- You should promptly and accurately fill in and update the email address, contact number, contact address, postal code, and other contact information you provide to enable MacroProxy or other members to contact you effectively. If you cannot be contacted through these means, you will be fully responsible for any loss or increased costs resulting from your use of MacroProxy services. You understand and agree that you have the obligation to maintain the validity of the contact information you provide. If any changes need to be updated, you should follow MacroProxy's requirements.

2.3Account Security

- You are fully responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your MacroProxy account and password and must ensure all activities under your login name and password are kept confidential, including but not limited to information disclosure, information release, clicking to agree or submit various rules and agreements, online renewal, or purchasing services.

- Unless required by law or judicial decision and with MacroProxy's consent, your MacroProxy account and password may not be transferred, gifted, or inherited in any way (excluding the property rights related to the account).

- You understand and agree that MacroProxy has the right to understand the true background and purpose of your use of the website products and services and may require you to provide true, comprehensive, and accurate information. If MacroProxy has reasonable grounds to suspect that the information you provide is not true, that you are engaging in false transactions, or that your behavior violates the MacroProxy website rules, MacroProxy reserves the right to temporarily or permanently restrict some or all functions and/or services used under your account.

- You understand and agree that MacroProxy has the right to monitor your personal information and inspect or freeze transactions and accounts on the website at the request of national judicial, administrative, military, security, and other authorities (including but not limited to public security agencies, procuratorates, courts, customs, and tax authorities).

2.4 Account Cancellation

- If you violate national and local laws, regulations, or service terms, MacroProxy reserves the right to suspend or terminate part or all services provided to you until you cancel your MacroProxy account.

- Account Deactivation: If you do not log in to this website using your email, mobile phone, or other approved methods and password for 12 consecutive months, and there are no unexpired services under your account, MacroProxy reserves the right to deactivate your login, and you will no longer be able to log in to the MacroProxy website.

3. Payment Policy and Terms of Use

To effectively protect your legal rights while using the services, you understand and agree to accept the following rules:

- Your instructions sent to MacroProxy through the following methods are irrevocable or revocable, and you are responsible for any results of MacroProxy executing the above instructions:

- All operations performed using your MacroProxy account and password;

- All information sent to MacroProxy through the mobile number bound to your account;

- Other methods agreed upon by MacroProxy or approved by MacroProxy.

- The content of these service terms, the transaction operation prompts on the page, or the information content (such as SMS or phone) sent by MacroProxy to your mobile phone during the use of the services are relevant rules for using the services. Your use of the services indicates your agreement to accept these rules. You understand and agree that MacroProxy has the right to unilaterally modify the relevant rules of the services without your consent. The service rules are subject to the page prompts (or SMS or phone, etc.) when you use the services. Your agreement and compliance with the service rules are prerequisites for using the services.

- MacroProxy may notify you of service progress and prompt you to proceed to the next step via email (or SMS or phone, etc.). However, MacroProxy does not guarantee that you will receive or receive it in a timely manner. Therefore, during the service process, you should promptly log in to this website to check and perform transaction operations. MacroProxy is not responsible for any disputes or losses arising from your failure to check, modify, or confirm the service status or submit related applications promptly.

- You authorize MacroProxy to obtain your information for using the services through third-party verification of your identity and qualifications.

- During your subscription to MacroProxy's products and services, we will charge corresponding fees to provide the required functions and services. All fees must be paid in full before product delivery. Users are responsible for any additional service fees, VAT, customs duties, and other fees required by local laws incurred after purchasing the products.

- By subscribing to MacroProxy services, you agree to fully read and accept MacroProxy's subscription terms, and the subscription fees are non-cancellable and non-refundable.

- In certain cases, we support returning a proportion of the paid amount to your MacroProxy wallet balance:

- You mistakenly subscribed to multiple plans;

- You mistakenly selected and subscribed to the wrong plan.

- Please note that once a plan is activated on the platform, the corresponding services will be automatically provided to your account, and we do not offer any form of refund. If you have any questions about the packages, please contact customer service and purchase a small package for testing. We are happy to provide assistance with package usage and connection issues.

- If you use any third-party products or services through this service, you may also be subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the third party. These terms of service do not affect your legal relationship with the third party.

4. Your Rights and Obligations

- You have the right to enjoy the internet technology and information services provided by MacroProxy and are entitled to technical support, consultation, and other services provided by MacroProxy while accepting the services. Please refer to the relevant product descriptions on this website.

- You guarantee not to destroy or disrupt the website in any technical or other manner.

- You should respect MacroProxy and other third parties' intellectual property and other legitimate rights and strive to protect MacroProxy and its shareholders, employees, partners, etc., from being affected or lost. When you infringe upon MacroProxy's legitimate rights and interests, MacroProxy reserves the right to terminate the services provided to you without refunding any payments.

- While using MacroProxy products or services, you should comply with the terms of service, management regulations, processes, service descriptions, price descriptions on the relevant pages of xxx website, your confirmation with MacroProxy, and the content agreed upon on the order page, including but not limited to:

- Timely payment;

- Not engaging in any behavior that disrupts or attempts to disrupt network security;

- Ensuring that you and your affiliates are not subject to any trade restrictions, sanctions, or other legal restrictions imposed by any country, international organization, or territory.

- If you violate the above guarantees, MacroProxy has the right to take measures such as deleting information, suspending services, terminating services, and restricting part or all functions of your account, such as new product or service purchases, renewals, etc., according to the relevant terms of service. If your actions cause any loss to MacroProxy, you should compensate for the damages.

5. MacroProxy's Rights and Obligations

- MacroProxy will provide you with qualified internet technology and information services based on the services you select and the payment terms.

- MacroProxy promises to take external confidentiality measures for your information and not to disclose it to third parties or authorize third parties to use your information unless:

- It can be provided according to these terms of service or other service agreements, contracts, online terms, etc., between you and MacroProxy;

- It is provided according to legal and regulatory requirements or the requirements of competent administrative and judicial authorities;

- You agree to provide MacroProxy to third parties;

- It is submitted by MacroProxy to resolve reported incidents and file lawsuits;

- It is submitted by MacroProxy to take necessary and reasonable actions to prevent significant violations or suspected criminal behavior;

- It is provided by MacroProxy to third parties to provide products, services, and information to you, including when MacroProxy provides products, services, and information to you through third-party technology and services.

- MacroProxy reserves the right to directly deduct the related service fees from your account balance based on these terms of service and your service usage.

- MacroProxy has the right to freeze part or all of your account funds under the following circumstances:

- National laws, regulations, policies, and legal documents stipulate it;

- National competent authorities require freezing;

- Your use of MacroProxy services is suspected of violating national laws, regulations, and administrative regulations;

- MacroProxy reasonably judges that your account operations, fund inflows, and outflows are abnormal;

- Others mistakenly transfer funds to your account, which may lead to unjust enrichment;

- Someone else complains about you and provides certain evidence;

- Other situations where MacroProxy reasonably considers it may lead to risks.

6. Protection of Privacy and Other Personal Information

Once you agree to these terms of service or use the services, you agree that MacroProxy will use and disclose your personal information according to the following terms:

- Login Name and Password: When you register an account, MacroProxy will require you to set an MacroProxy account login name and password to identify your identity and provide password questions to confirm your identity if you lose your password. You can only use the account with the password you set. If you disclose your password, you may lose your personal identification information, which may bring adverse legal consequences. You should immediately contact MacroProxy if your account and password are at potential or actual risk for any reason. MacroProxy will not be responsible until MacroProxy takes action.

- Bank Account Information: If MacroProxy's services require you to provide bank account information, MacroProxy will strictly implement relevant confidentiality agreements after you provide the corresponding information.

- Login Records: To ensure the security of your use of the services and continuously improve the service quality, MacroProxy will record and save your login and service usage-related information. However, MacroProxy promises not to provide such information to any third party unless otherwise agreed in the agreement or required by laws and regulations or MacroProxy's affiliated companies.

- Advertising: MacroProxy will comprehensively count the identity data of MacroProxy users and use it for sales and reward purposes.

7. System Interruption or Failure

MacroProxy will not be liable for damages when the system may not function properly due to the following circumstances, making you unable to use various internet services, including but not limited to:

- System maintenance during scheduled downtime by MacroProxy;

- Inability to transmit data due to telecommunication equipment failures;

- System blockage caused by force majeure such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, wars, terrorist attacks, etc.;

- Service interruptions or delays caused by hacker attacks, telecommunication department technical adjustments or failures, website upgrades, bank issues, etc.

8. Scope of Responsibility and Limitation of Liability

- MacroProxy is only responsible for the scope of services listed in these terms.

- The service quality and content provided by partner companies of the services are the responsibility of the partner companies.

- You understand and agree that you are solely responsible for any third-party claims arising from your use of the services, violation of these terms, or any actions taken under your account. If MacroProxy and its affiliates, employees, customers, and partners are claimed by third parties as a result, you shall handle and bear all resulting responsibilities.

- To the extent permitted by law, MacroProxy shall not be liable for any indirect, punitive, special, or consequential damages (including business losses, revenue losses, profit losses, data usage losses, goodwill, or other economic interests), regardless of whether it is caused by breach of these terms (including breach of warranty) or tort, even if notified in advance of the possibility of such damages. Furthermore, even if the exclusive remedies provided in these terms fail to achieve their essential purpose, MacroProxy shall not be liable for the aforementioned losses.

9. Disclaimer

In any event, MacroProxy shall not be liable for any consequential, special, indirect, or punitive damages or any loss of profits or revenue (whether in contract, tort, negligence, or any other legal theory) related to this agreement ("Event"), even if MacroProxy has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The total liability of MacroProxy for any claims or damages or series of claims or damages arising from this agreement is limited to the amount of fees MacroProxy has actually received from the customer under this agreement in the month preceding the event.

10. User Legal Obligations for Conduct

This agreement is formulated according to relevant national laws and regulations, and users agree to strictly comply with the following obligations:

(1) Do not transmit or publish content that incites resistance, undermines the implementation of the constitution, laws, and administrative regulations, incites subversion of state power, overthrows the socialist system, incites secession, undermines national unity, or incites ethnic hatred, racial discrimination, and undermines ethnic unity.

(2) Ensure that data and information transmitted from mainland China to overseas comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations.

(3) Do not use this website for illegal activities such as money laundering, stealing trade secrets, or stealing personal information.

(4) Do not disrupt the normal operation of this website or invade the website and national computer information systems.

(5) Do not transmit or publish any illegal, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or uncivilized information or materials.

(6) Do not transmit or publish any information or speech that harms the public interest of the state or involves national security.

(7) Do not instigate others to engage in acts prohibited by this section.

(8) Accounts registered on this website shall not be used for profit-making business activities.

(9) Do not publish any content that infringes others' copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property, or legal rights.

Users should be aware of and comply with the various laws and regulations published or modified by this website. This website reserves the right to delete any information content on this website that does not comply with legal policies or is false without notifying the user. If the user does not comply with the above provisions, this website has the right to make an independent judgment and take measures such as suspending or closing the user account. Users should be responsible for their online behavior and bear relevant responsibilities.

11. Agreement Updates and User Attention

According to national laws and regulations, MacroProxy has the right to modify the terms of this agreement, and the modified agreement will take effect and replace the original agreement upon posting on this website. Users can log in at any time to view the latest agreement. Users are obligated to pay attention to and read the latest version of the agreement and website announcements. If users disagree with the updated agreement, they can immediately stop using the services provided under this agreement. If users continue to use the services provided by this website, they are deemed to agree to the updated agreement. MacroProxy recommends that you read this agreement and the website before using this website. If any part of this agreement is deemed invalid, it does not affect the validity of other parts.

*These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong.